McCutcheon Lab Github
We have a number of resources hosted at the lab's Github site including analysis code and GUIs.
LickCalc GUI
This GUI allows data on licking in rodents to be quickly and easily analysed to produce various microstructural parameters such as number of bursts and licks per burst. Source code is hosted on the Github or the GUI can be downloaded as an .exe file from the following
Photometry GUI
This GUI is being developed to allow fiber photometry data acquired on Tucker Davis systems to be easily segmented based on digital events. It is in the early stages but if you are interested in testing it, please email Jaime directly.
Many of the Python functions that we use to analyse and plot our data are now included in a package at PyPi that can be easily installed using pip
. The package also includes the two GUIs described above. This is an early release and documentation is still being prepared but feel free to test and report any bugs or feedback to us.